Thursday, March 26, 2009

We pray that good deciding gives God opening
to act (prayer of hope from Australia)

The swelling tides that reach
every white Australian beach
bring currents in endless legions
from the planet's every region.

Tidings swell and resound
on our distant shores,
and wash from all around
recession and ceaseless wars.

Hope infects first the one
and then so soon another:
the whole world puts some trust
in US President Obama.

Our little prayers are tides
that join this to that land.
They wash potent hope
to every place: yes, they can.

Prayers are their own tidings,
spreading across great tracts.
we pray that good deciding
gives God opening to act. --Ted

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On praying for one another

"But he was not reluctant,
when he discerned the time was right,
to involve himself in the affairs of his neighbors,
and attend to their salvation.
For his safest haven was prayer;
not prayer of a fleeting moment, empty and proud,
but prayer that was prolonged,
full of devotion, peaceful in humility.
If he began at night,
he was barely finished in the morning.
Walking, sitting, eating, drinking,
he was focused on prayer."
--from "The Life of Saint Francis," by Thomas of Celano,
repr. fr. A Sense of the Divine

Friday, March 13, 2009

We must seed an earth to nourish us
100 years from now

Most Gracious and Loving God,
While we give thanks for this 100 days of President Obama's administration, let us not forget that we must seed an earth that will nourish us 100 years from now, when our children's children's children will have inherited the world. Let us pray for the courage to back these ventures that will give happiness to so many of our descendants in 2109:

That all nations will issue a binding protocol to observe limits on greenhouse gas emissions, so that future generations may breathe freely in a world that protects biodiversity;

That all nations, including the U.S., become signatories to the International Criminal Court, so that every leader who has committed war crimes may be prosecuted;

That the right of every worker to a living wage, and freedom to engage in collective bargaining without intimidation, may be observed in every nation, so that those who labor for their daily bread may be given adequate nourishment;

That we will join other nations in reducing significantly our stockpiles of nuclear weapons as required by the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, so that all will know that the US stands for peace and disarmament;

That those who are most vulnerable because of unemployment, age, or infirmity may be protected by adequate pensions, unemployment benefits or other subsidies, so we may remember that the "least" among us should always come first;

That we will heed the Biblical injunction to "beat our swords into plowshares" by reducing the US's bloated military budget by at least 25 percent, so that a host of domestic and international needs for housing, health care, education and employment may be addressed.

We ask all this in Your name. Amen.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Let us learn to live without

Merciful God,
During Lent, we Christians
Try to see our sins clearly, to own their wrongness fully,
And, finally, to shed those wrongs at the foot of Your cross.

Let those of us who live in "First World" countries
Own not only our personal wrongdoings
But the sins we fail to see because they are
Perpetrated against people we don't know
And hidden
In the conveniences of our "modern" lives.

Let us see that our rich way of life is wholly dependent
On the labor and poverty of workers
In less developed countries.
Let us see that we have no inherent right to
Consume most of the world's natural resources,
Just because it's cheap to gas up our cars,
Easy to run our faucets and turn on our T.V.s.

In the U.S., where we are but 5% of the world's people,
We consume a third of its electricity and nearly half its gasoline.
The Mexican woman who makes our jeans
Gets a dollar to sew ten pairs and
Can't afford enough food or medicine for her children.
The people who pick our produce are the poorest
In our hemisphere. To shoulder more than
A thousand pounds of food every day, with an empty stomach,
Is surely Hell.

Forgive us, Loving God,
Our sin of luxury.
Let us redefine "fasting" to mean more than a
Spiritual practice of temporary denial.
Let us learn to live without
Consuming so much and
End our complicity with the
Oppression of our brothers and sisters around the world,
Who are equally beloved by God.
Amen. --Susan

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Variation on Collect for Proper 17

Lord of all power and might, the author and giver of all good things:
Graft in our president's heart a love of your Name; increase in him
true religion; nourish him with all goodness; and bring forth in him
the fruit of good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
--Book of Common Prayer, submitted by Rev. Chris